The Calm before the Blizzard

Oscar dug himself a hole to survey the blizzard (with some later help from my shovel), once the sun came out.

I’m feeling the need for a light little post today, to counterbalance the last one.


Mom and I managed to get to and from all her appointments a few days ago right before the blizzard hit in full force.  Normally she’s terrified to go out in the snow, even if it’s been cleared, but she adores doctors’ visits, so the anticipation of getting a few bothersome things “fixed” gave her the rose-colored glasses she needed to step out into the white day.

She was quite animated that day and had a string of entertaining comments, but couldn’t comprehend why they were making everyone laugh.  She was just being her earnest self. 

Unfortunately, I forgot most of them, but here’s a couple I jotted down:

Dentist: “Looks like you have some gingivitis here.”

Carol Jean: “I caught that from my daughter.”


2 hours later at the doctor’s office….

Carol Jean to the female doctor: “We passed by Hooters on the way here.  Meg refused to stop again.  I’ve never been there, and like I keep telling her, I really feel I need to know what that’s all about.”

Female doctor: “I hear they have good wings.”

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3 Responses to The Calm before the Blizzard

  1. Hello Meg,
    These are delightful…your mom can string together thoughts and sentences in a much more lengthy way than my mom is able to now. But the one-liners do happen alot around here and they are wonderful for lifting the mood. I have just been thinking this week that I ought to be writing them down. It is odd, too though…because it is the same thing you do with things that your children say when they are small.

    I appreciate your sharing these (and feel the same way about Hooters and have always avoided it, but your mom’s sweet curiosity about it almost makes it seem worthwhile to stop for!).

  2. momsbrain says:

    It is always fun to find the humor and enjoy it in the moment, and recall it again later. My mom still has language, but virtually no comprehension, but she can still crack a joke, or recognize when she is being teased. It’s really interesting.

  3. Thanks Lesley and Emily for your comments. The language and comprehension capacity my mom still has is a blessing and a curse. She suffers a lot because of her awareness of her situation, but I know that the other side you’re both on with your moms being less aware in that way is really tough for countless reasons too.

    The way the brain progresses through dementia is fascinating and heartbreaking all at once, isn’t it?

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